October 14, 2024

SCREAMING TREES and MAD SEASON's Barrett Martin, R.E.M.'s Peter Buck, THE BLACK CROWES' Rich Robinson and singer-songwriter Joseph Arthur have joined forces in a new rock supergroup called SILVERLITES. The quartet's first single, "Don't Go, Don't Stay", can be streamed below.

"Don't Go, Don't Stay" will be included on SILVERLITES' upcoming self-titled debut album, which is due on November 15 via Sunyata Records.

Taking to social media to discuss the project, Martin revealed how the album came about: "Hi everyone, I'd like to announce a new recording project called SILVERLITES, which I recorded and produced during the pandemic and is soon to be released.

"It started in a Nashville hotel room in 2019, where I recorded the initial acoustic guitar tracks, and it features some truly exceptional musicians: Joseph Arthur on lead vocals, Peter Buck on acoustic guitars, Rich Robinson on acoustic and electric guitars, and myself on drums, upright bass, vibraphone, and backing vocals.

"The first single, 'Don't Go, Don't Stay' is out now on all digital platforms, and the entire album can be previewed and preordered as well. We hope you like the songs, as we spent the pandemic years doing various recording and mixing sessions, and we used a classic songwriting form, which is often forgotten in this day and age. That is, acoustic guitars (with a little electric guitar in there),with superb lead vocals, catchy backing vocals, and a soulful backbeat in the rhythm section. It's old school songwriting, just like us."

"Silverlites" was mixed in 2021 with Daniel Sanint at Flux Studios in New York City.

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